In 2008 it seems like things were changing in the weight pull community away from the all-breed concept. As I sat back and watched and listened to the things people didn’t like about what was available to participate in, I started thinking why can’t there be an organization that is fun, friendly, family oriented, yet competitive as you want to be. An organization with rankings where the dogs are rewarded for their performance, and a juniors program in place that would promote the sport to the juniors. Remember, the juniors are our future to this sport.
It did take some time coming up with a point system that was fair and equal to every dog and take the politics out of it. And the thought was for there to be a ranking system that allowed for more people to achieve some type of success and recognition to get them to keep pulling and grow. And no organization currently sanctioned all 3 surfaces, nor has a junior program OR rankings by state, on each surface, in each weight class. Also wanted a pull off type of system to advance to the end of the season competition, called the summits. Also, didn’t want the “nationals or championships” to be called what everyone else was using. So with some assistance from Lori and Bill Bowling, we came up with “SUMMITS”. When you reach the top of a mountain, you’re at the “summits” and with a pull off system you’re working your way to the top of the season. With the organization new, we don’t have enough areas with pulls to get the pull off system in place yet. But that is in the program for the future.
I told a few very close friends about my thoughts and idea, and was encouraged to do it. And FINALLY here we are!
Ok, now we needed a LOGO. Karen Frenette offered to draw it up. I told her that I would like a northern breed on the snow, and then a bully breed and then a non-typical pulling breed too. I sent her Majic’s picture for snow, and she asked for pictures and ideas for the others. My other idea was that part of the surface was showing with a different breed of dog on that surface. The shape of the logo is great because it’s so different from the usual round shape. So we do stand out from everyone else.
On Rails is Wulfie
Wulfie is a miniature poodle, and is the first mini poodle to reach “super dog” status. He has all his other titles and lacked weight pulling. This is what got his owner Harold into weight pulling. Lori was a great teacher. He is also UGRCH 15 in agility and has been in the top 50 for the last 8 years. He also has his AKC titles in Rally Obedience and is an Agility MACH.
On Wheels is Terra.
Terra's full name is UWPCH URO1 CA CH Gravity's Digital Rain Matrix CGC TT WDS SDC1. She's an American Pit Bull Terrier bred by Matrix Kennels in Texas. Terra has pulled in IWPA, UKC and APA. When not pulling, she likes to do obedience, run agility, perform stupid pet tricks, chase cats, bury toys under blankets and dig them up again, and she is a fiend for flirt pole and lure coursing. She is unofficially retired from pulling, but it's been a good ride.
On Snow is Majic.
UWPCHSX Kodiak’s Black Majic, WD (S&W), WDX(S&W), WDS(S&W),WPI, WPII, WPIII Majic started pulling and at first wouldn’t pull until after time was called and I would go get him. He even completely turned his back to me at one pull and sat looking at the cart. Then one day, the light bulb went on and he pulled over 1000# on snow! After that he seemed hooked. He also was one of my 2 main lead dogs on my recreational sled team, running his first race at 13 months old. He went on to win 4 regional gold medals and 1 bronze on snow and 1 bronze on wheels in IWPA. When I added up all his points earned there, it was over 800 in his career. He also was the first northern breed in UKC to earn all at that time 6 titles and just the second to get the 100 points on snow. Currently he is still tied with a few for the 10th highest career lifetime points on snow in UKC. He finished in their all-star program #3 in 2004, and # 7 in 2005. And the first dog in UKC weight pull program to earn 1000 career championship points.
He also pulled a few times in the National Kennel Club weight pull program and took MWPP too while earning his WPIII title. In his total career, he’s pulled in 237 pulls (give or take a few I am missing) on all 3 surfaces and in multiple organizations, in 15 states and 2 countries, earning many titles and MWPP awards.